Bronze Care Package
Package Charges:
Registration Fee (one time)
Package Subscription
Note : The above charges are for individual package subscription.
To be paid upfront for 12 months
About Bronze Care Package :-
We provide services based on individual requirements. This package includes 24×7 emergency services along with few other medical & non-medical services. Any extra service can be selected from the list of chargeable services.
Membership Benefits :-
- A comprehensive health check-up and home security evaluation for your parents
- A background-verified, dedicated, Care Manager assigned to your family
- A 24X7 number to call for any of your parents’ needs
- Strong technology platform with a Mobile App and Web Login portal with real-time updates
- Up to 20% discount on Pathology & Radiology services
- Up to 8% discount on pharmacies
Services included in the package:
- Provide 24*7 Emergency Medical Assistance’ (including arrangement of Ambulance and hospitalization) Ambulance hiring charge will be extra.
- One Elder Care Specialist (ECS) visit or call per month
- One Nurse Visits every month.
- Two Tele-consultations with Physician in a month
- One Physiotherapist Tele-consultation on call and Two physiotherapist visits
- Monthly Social Event (Online)
- Digital Health Records
- Care Giver visit once a quarter.
- Courtesy call once a week
- Facilitate online grocery delivery once a month
- Quarterly online doctor consultation.
- Facilitate online delivery of medicine once a month
- Assist online payment towards utility services
Chargeable Services:
- Post Operative Care
- Physiotherapy
- Speech Therapy
- Online Doctor Consultation
- Health Diagnosis at Home
- Complete Nursing Care
- Weekly Health Checkup
- Dementia Counseling
- Geriatric Counseling
- Medical Equipment
- Attendant Care
- Banking Assistance
- Assistance to Doctor Chamber
- City Travel Assistance
- Technology Assistance
- Medicine delivery
- Dialysis Assistance
- Psychological Assistance
24×7 Trained Attendant available on monthly basis (charges extra)